My name is Ollie, I'm an Amateur Photographer and filmmaker.

"To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work." 

- Mary Lauretta

I pride myself in being personable and friendly to everyone I meet, casually and professionally. Good humour and witty banter is the key to anyone, and getting a good understanding of everyone and their story is what I do to get the best out of people.

I am a passionate and dedicated photographer that focuses on capturing moments for the right reasons. I am skilled in retouching and manipulation, as well as creating vibrant and unique images. I am able to work closely with any client and take on a challenge based on their vision and needs, and overall, having a good time. If you have any questions or if you have any ideas to shoot your special event please do not hesitate to contact me.

 - Experienced in operating multiple camera systems including but not limited to Canon XF series, Nikon D series and the Sony Alpha range.

- Equipped and practiced in a variety of roles related to general camera work in both photography and videography.

- Nominated for a photography award.

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